Your vacation in the heart of the Jizera Mountains

The Jizera Mountains are among the cleanest mountains in our country. So, if you want to recharge, enjoy the fresh mountain air, and have an active vacation or just a relaxing one, a vacation in the Jizera Mountains is right for you. Královka will become one of your favorite places in the heart of the Jizera Mountains.




Outlook tower

Outdoor playgrounds

Beautiful nature

For couples

Couples can choose from our offer of hotel rooms, more spacious suites or, for example, a royal suite with an outdoor whirlpool bath.

For families

Whatever period of the year, all members of your family will enjoy time spent with us. Královka, its immediate surroundings and the Jizera Mountains are the ideal place for holidays with children. What awaits you here and why visit us with your family?

For companies

Use the representative and quiet environment of Královka to organise training, presentations or complete team-building. Your colleagues will love the surrounding nature and the unique atmosphere of the Jizera Mountains!

News from Královka

Královská restaurace otevřena

Čeká na vás nezapomenutelný zážitek. Prvotřídní jídla podávaná na jedinečném místě.

Oslavme společně tradiční Halloween na Královce 2.10.2021

V sobotu 2.10.2021 pořádáme tradiční Halloween na Královce. Těšit se můžete na strašidelný výstup na věž a mnoho dalších atrakcí.

Stavba roku Libereckého kraje

Všem našim fanouškům s hrdostí, ale i s pokorou oznamujeme, že Královka byla nominována na stavbu roku Libereckého kraje...

Gift vouchers

Make your loved ones happy and give them an unforgettable experience. We offer vouchers for all services - accommodation, wellness and restaurant. Order conveniently online in our e-shop.

Experience the Jizera Mountains

Activities directly on Královka
Top gastronomy
Roller ski rental
E-bike rental
100-year-old lookout tower

For kids
Children's playground at Královka
Mushrooming in the nearby forest
Paddle boarding on a dam

Tips for trips
Velká Jizerská louka
ZOO Liberec